Bits and pieces beginning of tales from the writers pen

Golden warm reflections flicker upon and light up the leaves of those acacia trees bird home to trusted nest they twitter settle call their days last voice awaiting now for days darkness to settle amongst their generationaly chosen time honored woven refuges within the sanctuary of the trees illuminated by the dimming Sun ……………………………………………………… Caught […]

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The Land Strengthening spring winds gust and ripple their gum tees leaves again the whisper natures subtle seasons change

Nestling birds their voices once more heard aftre long cold winters courusing across this wide broen land. Rains they come to slake the thi9rst hidden seeds notwithstanding that groundthat was turned to winblown sands Gone these hot dry winds of drought that bleached the bones of stock littering the hard dry drought baked summers ground

Read More The Land Strengthening spring winds gust and ripple their gum tees leaves again the whisper natures subtle seasons change

Silence seen

Silence seen as that absence of the cities noises their strife and background sound Winds blow air across this great black endless land Gently westerly warming winds blow pur across this land each breath we take its pollution free extending now our natural life

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