Muslim creep

I disagree one day I will wake up and go to google maps and the so called state of palastine will no longer come up on the map, will probably glow in the dark and before you slap me down America has turned a lot of sand in the middle east through depleted uranium shells causing the same effect. I do agree there are approximately 2 billion of them worldwide , out of that figure there would be less than 30 percent of fighting age then take off another percentage for muslims a large percentage that peacefully follow their Koran in its various editions that change over time. Fundamentalist jihad focused muslims are the issue we face . Sunni Muslims have a simpler religious hierarchy Sunni Muslims allow the government to have their say in who is appointed as a leader. Alternatively, Shia Muslims have full control over their hierarchy, and the clergy is always someone from the direct line of Ali ibn Abi Talib. Its the latter that show all the genetic damage that 1200yrs of close inbreeding will exhibit unfortunately.

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