APEX violence in Melbourne

A complex problem and one that needs to be addressed or are the powers that be cultivating the problem so as to suddenly come forward with draconian legislation to retract more of our civil liberties I have seen a pattern emerging for some time. Can the security agencies,the police,the government ministers all be blind to this problem as it has developed over the past 15yrs I think not. Can our government justify the mass immigration they have planned for OUR country whilst our own unemployment is so high and daily adding to the homeless that have been turned out on the streets to provide housing for islamic country shoppers? Do the powers that be underestimate the will of the Australian people well we shall see as the blanket their media paid monkeys throw over the news begins to tear and rip exposing the truth that social media is making so obvious.We just had one of the shonkiest elections in living memory with the great unelected one slithering back in while keeping a wary eye on his 230million net worth in a tax free haven in the Canary Islands,a net worth that will no doubt increase substantially when he is paid off by the UN for his treasonous signing of Australia to that Saudi controlled obscenity and reinforced by NATO ( the private army of said obscenity) along with his treasonous signing of the Trans Pacific treaty,just two major commitments of Australia and its people that should have been sent to a referendum of the people.Pleaseee oh did I mention the total ignoring of OUR constitution and section 44 of said document….it goes on and on and on and on.

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