Thought for this evening

I was lucky enough to come across a copy of The Annotated Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth by Quick and Garran, containing the first 178 pages of the Constitution no longer found in any print form,successive governments have small piece by small piece removed those 178 pages which just happen to be the key to one being able to claim Constitutional Law here in Australia. The Australian government has never to this date been allowed to open the Constitution and make any changes to it. Under the Constitution the two party preferred system is actually Constitutionally illegal. Through social engineering previous governments have withdraw the Constitution from schools it hasn’t been present and taught in the last two generations of school pupils. The rot set in a long time ago but the people are becoming aware of the charade that is Australian politics whilst looking up into the sky and believing that those are civilian passenger jets leaving only high altitude contrails. Well will be an interesting next few years here.

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