CREDIT :Delia Dollah‎
Government & Corporate Crimes Against Aussies ( GCC)
6 mins ·

IT has taken others 4 or 5 days to catch up, but now they have picked up on the my points and rhetoric, we are seeing a rush of articles asking/ stating what i have been saying all along. …..

Bank Reform Now
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)
Bank Reform Now
February 25 at 4:40am

What does treason look like? Out of 76 Aussie Senators only seven managed to show up for one of the most important votes ever held in the Senate. More than 2,000 people made submissions and worked hard to oppose the banking cartel’s instructions to the government. The bankers want to be allowed to steal your deposits and super when the next GFC decimates our nation. The GFC that their policies will directly cause!

Rulers love traitors and useful idiots. They are extremely handy when involved in dodgy and underhanded dealings. Nothing works as well as elected insiders – working for the elite – stabbing the electors in the back. These Senators must not be re-elected. It doesn’t matter which party you thought was your fave. They are all in on it …. and if the APRA Bail-In Bill scandal doesn’t convince you nothing will. Just don’t vote for them … it only encourages them.

On the 14th of February Aussies were ambushed by the seven stooges in a Valentine’s Day Massacre –

ALP – Deborah O’Neil (ex-teacher) & Chris Ketter (unionist)
Libs – Michaelia Cash (solicitor) & Dean Smith ( “corporate experience”)
Greens – Peter Whish-Wilson (ex-Deutsche Bank & Merrill Lynch) & Sarah Hanson-Young (ex-bank teller)
Lib-Dem – David Leyonhjelm (ex- Veterinarian)

All of them knew the danger – BRN and CEC supporters let them know in numbers never seen before in public submissions to an inquiry. All of them knew that Glass-Steagall type laws would protect our savings. All of them should know that banking must be reformed before we can really build a just society.

They refused to personally meet experts in finance and whistleblowers who knew how pathetic APRA really is regarding looking after our interests. And just as serious …. where were the other 69 Senators? Why was there no discussion? Why was it rushed through with the ALP and Greens dancing to Turnbull’s tune?

Why would politicians from both sides of the political fence support bankers blowing bubbles and then hoovering up your property when the bubbles burst? Once you really understand the answer you just might be prepared to take action.

It’s better to fight on your feet than to be ripped off on your knees. Join BRN. Contribute as best you can. We have no chance without united action

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