It would seem to me that on the basic laws of averages every time I see on social media and a large scope of geo political sites I belong to acts of violence,well they all seem to be prefaced with islam as their perpetrators.So logic would dictate that the followers of islam are not only dangerous and self destructive to their own cause but highly unstable and indoctrinated by generationally transmitted hatred.To be sure I have no doubt there are moslems who do not agree with the dash and death cults but it brings history to mind of the German and Japanese people who either stood by and ignored their fellows committing psychopathic acts or had reached that point where they where to afraid to speak out against the atrocities being committed b y their fellows. So far the score card of islam points to a dangerous cancer infiltrating western society.There are at last count 1.7 billion followrs of islam and the boffins say that 12 percent of them are radical fundamentalists do that math that’s a few hundred thousand ticking time bombs,time bombs that are being permitted to travel the globe as refugees commit their atrocities and the various governments of the world can introduce draconian laws to suppress our civil liberties even further.
Australia has been spared a major islamic attack up until now wouldn’t common sense lean towards a total ban on people from middle eastern countries? It strikes me as strange that these country shoppers desert their woman and children in active war zones and like cowards flee and in the process lose all their papers and ID but somehow manage to retain their IPhones and chargers.
Worse still is the unpublisised thousands who fly into Australia on working visas (then disappear into the community) along with the thousands that fly into Mascot and Melbourne and ever other capital city of Australia and then claim visas under the family reunion scam.Then congregate in ghettos like Lakemba and Bankstown acquire fake medicare cards and log onto centerlink. Better still the ones that marry four woman have ten children and claim millions of the taxpayer in what amount to centerlink fraud.
The islamification of this country is nothing short of a tactical infiltration of our society with the islamic council of australia openly calling for shiria law in their ghetto culture.
Sure let them have shiria law but in granting it cut of all power,sewerage,communications and welfare payments to the suburbs where they demand shiria law to usurp the law of Australia.
George Orwell would be rolling in is grave as to how illegal immigrants subtley became asylum seekers and where less than 3 percent of the population seems to be calling the tune to the majority.
France is on the brink of civil war and the ANZAC spirit of Australians is slowly awakening and will deal with the situation that our government is to cowardly to address.
My humble opinion protection visas for all moderate moslems that will swear the oath of allegiance to this great country of ours,deportation for the hate speakers in the mosques,all mosques open to the public and security services,the immediate removal of all security company licenses held by moslem ownership,the immediate removal of politicians and public servants under section 44 of the constitution unless they pledge allegiance to our constitution over their alliegence to Islam.Retrospective legislation to ban the wearing of any full face coverings as in the nijab but not limited to moslems but to include any and all citizens with the exception of special operations and law enforcement personnel when it is deemed necessary for the execution of their duties.An immediate suspension of halal certification and a freeze on mosque building applications. retrospective asett seizure legislation for money deemed to be illegaly obtained and forfiet of property

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