islam again the UK

Just out of curiosity people a shit load of explosives tightly bound with nails and lethal shrapnel is detonated amongst children some only a year from being teenagers and a body count of even one never mind 14 is more than too high in collateral damage.I bear in mind the thoughts and feelings of those who are grieving for their lost children and loved ones ,I have no intention of using this blog as a means to express my thoughts at the cost of your loved ones or friends.
islam needs to be brought under a Western Civilisation ban, initially with the removal of all mosques,schools and places of congregation except those in the middle eastern countries where they sprang from and accept islam and its koran as their way of living.
Harsh measures not and I may be called to account on these measures by those who may gainsaid the attempt at erasing the Jewish people from the face of the earth in the Holocaust. No I am not championing the genocide of any peoples,races or beliefs, I know enough history to be ashamed to be a human being over what has been done in the name of megalomania .Removal of their 1400yr old militarist doctrine by containment and relocating to shariah compliant cultures from whence they claim to be seeking asylum would remove the sleeper middle age military trained terrorist from each and ever Western country in the world.
Point in time during the Second World War most countries in the world Australia included set up internment camps where the nationals of the countries they where at war with where contained in decent circumstances along with their families.
Guess we are lucky here in Australia there are less than one million registered followers of islam here,albeit congregated in highly compacted suburbs within our five major cities.
Interesting point is in all five major cities these ghettoised suburbs are all located underneath the flight path of the cities major airports and extend through the major arterial access roads to the beginning of each cities CBD area.add to this the infiltration of all the major cities infrastructure that is oddly guarded by muslim security wanna be cops.Yep Airports,Major water collection systems and dams,Electricity power stations,Metro rail and Urban transport infrastructure,ferry’s,buses ect.
Think about it messy hey.
islam will be relegated to the dustbin of history where it should have stayed not by the current young generation who have been poisoned with political correctness but by the one thing islam misjudged here in Australia and that folks be the spirit of the ANZACS a spirit that is so deeply rooted in our culture that it is a force not to be reckoned with but to not be awakened just saying.

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