Martin Bryant the fall guy

True Martin Bryant was the fall guy for in my opinion a minimum of three black ops shooters,victims where all one shot kills, civilians bar a few are not capable of that type of precision.One shot one kill takes many hundreds of hours range and urban plus open delivery actuality scenerio training so I have heard 😦 The massacre was planned including the locking of the only escape route that civilians would have fled to, interesting anomalies when looking at the big picture are to mention a few,the caliber of weapons used ,they where one shot one kill and three of the shots that penetrated body mass and where extracted from the walls and hot area surrounds after traveling not through centre body mass but head shots where not available at a civilian level at the time of the Port Arthur massacre .Just saying and may I add that Martin is the only prisoner in the whole of the Australia justice system that has been consistently denied any form of visitation bar those of his so called solicitor and his mother,she was only granted access twice.The only reason Martin is still alive today and hasnt suffered a heart attack or other convenient accident is due in main part to people that have kept up the fight for a coronial or parliamentary inquest into the matter. Yep I am one of a group of people that will not let this rest .

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